Coconut Water by Bruce Fife

Coconut water is a refreshing beverage that comes from coconuts. Its unique nutritional profile gives it the power to balance body chemistry, ward off disease, fight cancer, and retard aging. History and folklore credit coconut water with remarkable healing powers, which medical science is now confirming.

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Price: $24.95

*Note: See You Out There is currently sourcing the purest coconut water to sell. It should be available by September*

Some of the Benefits of Coconut Water:
*Makes an excellent oral rehydration sports beverage *Aids in exercise performance *Reduces swelling in hands and feet *Aids in kidney function and dissolves kidney stones *Protects against cancer *Helps balance blood sugar in diabetics *Provides a source of ionic trace minerals *Improves digestion *Contains nutrients that feed friendly gut bacteria *Helps relieve constipation *Reduces risk of heart disease *Improves blood circulation *Lowers high blood pressure *Improves blood cholesterol levels *Helps prevent atherosclerosis *Prevents abnormal blood clotting *Possesses anti-aging properties *Restores strength and elasticity to skin *Reduces discolored aging spots on skin *Reduces wrinkles and sagging skin *Enhances healing of wounds and lesions *Supports good vision and prevents glaucoma *Contains potent antioxidants *Enhances immune function
About the Author: Dr. Bruce Fife is a naturopathic doctor who has written several books about the benefits of Coconut Oil.

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